To help our teens to process recent events in Israel, Moving Traditions has released a special edition curriculum for educators, which parents and others with teens in their lives may find useful. This guide provides resources for teens to:
- Feel connected to and supported by other Jewish teens at this time.
- Reflect on how they can take care of themselves as they consume the news.
- Have the opportunity to share their thoughts and feelings in response to the massacres, kidnappings, and war in Israel.

A Look Inside the Resource
Watching the news or scrolling through Instagram and TikTok can be really hard and evoke all sorts of feelings. Feelings like sadness, uncertainty, anger, confusion, despair…
How can we all find a good balance between being informed and being overwhelmed or disturbed by the news in a time of crisis?
Recommendations for Finding Balance
- We don’t need to witness everything to stand in solidarity with Israel or be connected to what is going on. When looking at social media and news – consider setting a timer (e.g., 10-20 mins) and stop scrolling when the timer goes off.
- When/if you see something on social media that is very upsetting, draw from the techniques that you already know to take care of yourself. Consider: what is something you can do to respond to stress? (e.g., take a deep breath, talk to a friend, go for a run, etc.)
- If necessary delete (or do not look at) TikTok, X (Twitter), and Instagram to avoid seeing graphic videos released by Hamas, which are themselves a form of global terrorism.
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