Moving Traditions’ Teen Groups – Rosh Hodesh, Shevet, and Tzelem – are transformative communities where youth explore who they are through Jewish and gender lenses, together with a trained mentor using a dynamic curriculum.
Through monthly meetings throughout the year, our Teen Groups create circles of support that embolden youth to thrive. Group discussions and activities are infused with Jewish values and wisdom made relevant today, guided by social-emotional learning and positive psychology – proven methods of learning that foster wellbeing. Teens discuss issues that impact their daily lives, such as stress, academic pressure, friendships, intimate relationships, and societal issues.
Find a Group
Locate a Rosh Hodesh, Shevet, or Tzelem teen group at a partner near you.
Rosh Hodesh
A teen group for Jewish girls* to explore who they are, challenge harmful gender norms, and build Jewish community
A teen group for Jewish boys* to explore who they are, challenge harmful gender norms, and build Jewish community
A teen group for LGBTQ+, nonbinary, and gender expansive teens to explore who they are, challenge harmful gender norms, and build Jewish community
*All of our teen groups are safe and inclusive spaces for youth to join as they self-identify. Nonbinary teens are welcome in whatever space they feel most comfortable.
Engage Your Teens at Camp this Summer
Our teen programs help build transformative communities where youth explore who they are through Jewish and gender lenses using a dynamic curriculum. We will train your staff to lead these programs that develop social-emotional skills and promote healthy relationships.
Teen Group Outcomes
In our groups, teens support one another as they:
- develop a whole sense of self (shleimut);
- build kind, caring, and connected relationships with one another (hesed);
- and examine together how harmful gender norms and other forms of discrimination impact themselves and others, so that they can together pursue and more just and equitable future (tzedek).
At a time where concerns about adolescent mental health are so heightened, Moving Traditions’ teen groups provide many of the protective factors that experts say help strengthen mental health and wellbeing including: positive connections with peers, religion, and/or culture; good coping/problem solving skills; presence of supportive mentors; and positive norms.
90% of teens say, “My experience in my Moving Traditions’ teen group was good or great.”
84% of teens in our groups say, “I felt supported by my group leader in my needs around mental, emotional, social, and/or spiritual health.”
76% of teens say that in our groups “I became more aware of gender stereotypes and inequality in society.
Funding Partners
E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation
Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia
Mazer Family Fund
Your gift to Moving Traditions emboldens Jewish youth to thrive through the pursuit of personal wellbeing (shleimut), caring relationships (hesed), and a Jewish and feminist vision of equity and justice (tzedek).