A Message of Support

A message from Shuli Karkowsky, Moving Traditions CEO As 2024 draws to a close and we have our menorahs at the ready, I am thinking about the hope that comes with Hanukkah. After what has been a year …
By Shuli Karkowsky As we step out of Transgender Awareness Week (November 13-19), I find myself thinking about how it is always important to mark this week – and how its significance rose this year …
By Shuli Karkowsky, Moving Traditions CEO I am so excited to share with you, Moving Traditions’ friends, supporters, and stakeholders, two honors bestowed on our beloved colleague, Beckee Birger, la…
A reflection by Stacy Shapiro, Northeast Regional Director I love the tradition of having apples and honey on Rosh Hashanah. Apples, to me, are a little sour, and, of course, honey is sweet. We combin…
by Beckee Birger, Director of DEIJ Initiatives My daughter and I read a book called Juneteenth For Mazie. It’s a sweet story about how a young girl named Mazie learns about her great-grandpa Mose an…
By Pamela Barkley, Chief Growth Officer “Once you hit Purim, the school year is basically over!” That’s what one of my teachers used to say to me when I was Director of Education at a suburban r…