We deeply appreciate the generous support from the many individual contributors to Moving Traditions and the following institutions:
Anonymous (3)
Charles and Lynn Schusterman Family Philanthropies
Combined Jewish Philanthropies
Crown Family Philanthropies
E. Rhodes and Leona B. Carpenter Foundation
Greater Miami Jewish Federation
Hadassah Foundation
Healthcare Foundation of New Jersey
Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation
Jack and Golde Miller Fund
Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles
Jewish Federation of Greater Los Angeles
Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia
Jewish Federation of Greater Pittsburgh
Jewish Federation of Greater Portland
Jewish Federation of Greater Washington
Jewish Partnership for Democracy
Jewish Social Justice Roundtable
Jewish United Fund / Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago
Jews of Color Initiative
Jim Joseph Foundation
Lasko Family Foundation
Lisa and Douglas Goldman Fund
Lucious N Littauer Foundation
Mazer Family Fund
Newton and Rochelle Becker Charitable Fund
Senser Foundation
Shards of Light Foundation
SRE Network
SWAHA Foundation
The Covenant Foundation
UJA Federation of New York
Wilf Family Foundation
Women of Vision of the Jewish Federation of Greater Philadelphia