Moving Traditions, October 27, 2020
Deborah Meyer, CEO, Rabbi Tamara Cohen, VP of Program Strategy, Rabbi Daniel Brenner, Chief of Education, and Genevieve Kennebrae, Kol Koleinu Fellow
As Jewish feminists of many genders, across generations, who are queer and straight, white and of color, today we give each other comfort and stand together as we prepare for a Supreme Court likely to carry out a more conservative agenda.
We are enraged about the timing of the confirmation process, we fear what will happen to rights we value deeply—reproductive justice, health care, voting, LGBTQ+, civil rights, refugees and immigrants, environmental protection, and many more—and we are committed to continue organizing and working for justice.
The struggle for justice is ongoing. As Rabbi Tarfon said in the first century, while we are unable to complete the task, we are not free to give up.
Nurtured by the Jewish tradition’s commitment to pursuing tzedek, justice, to chesed, compassion, and to kehillah, the power we create by joining together, Moving Traditions calls on us to connect, challenge and change—to vote, to stand up, to speak out, and to gird ourselves to work together for years to come.