Introducing Moving Traditions’ Thanksgiving Discussion Guide. The guide prompts you to consider your values and hopes for society and then offers variations on the Hebrew prayer of gratitude.
With all that we have experienced in 2020, the guide suggests reflecting on the middot/Jewish virtues we believe we need most at this time.
Which of the 10 middot listed do you feel is most important to embody at this time, and why? Which middah do you hope to see more of in our society?
- Listening ears – Sh’miat Ha-Ozen
- Strength – G’vurah
- Forgiveness – Slicha
- Courage – Ometz Lev
- Patience – Savlanut
- Justice – Tzedek
- Compassion – Rachamim
- Understanding heart – Binat Ha-Lev
- Accepting hardship – Kabbalat Ha-Yishurun
- Judging others favorably – L’chaf Zechut
In Jewish tradition, we recite a prayer of gratitude at moments of joy and celebration. Check out the guide for blessing variations this Thanksgiving and explore how gender and prayer language can impact our experience of power.