Category Insights
Poems for Reflecting on the Israeli Palestinian Conflict
Choose one or more of the following poems to read or listen to together and discuss. As you will see these poems are intended to make space for emotions and empathy, not to spur a political discu…
Can We Hug Now? Returning to Touch in Jewish Spaces
Acknowledging and Releasing the Burdens: An Old/ New Ritual for Breaking the Middle Matzah
Zoom-Mitzvah 101: A Moving Traditions Guide
With the pandemic, many Jewish families are having to let go of long-held expectations about the b-mitzvah they imagined for their child to embrace the unique possibilities of the moment—and Moving …
Thanksgiving Discussion Guide
Guidance for Group Leaders Leading Teen Groups the week of November 6-14, 2020
Three Questions to Ask Yourself Before Leading Your Group This Weekend For those of you who are leading teens this weekend, here are a few questions to consider with reflections from our education…
Statement on the Swearing in of Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett
Responsive Curriculum: May Her Memory Be A Revolution
Here is an activity you can use with teens to consider the life and legacy of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, z”l. The full session can be found in the Current Events section of our password protected …