by Jen Anolik
I invite you all to close your eyes if you’re comfortable.
Take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth. Give your mind permission to think whatever it wants to think.
We are approaching Passover, a holiday related to plagues yes, but also of growth and challenge.
We meet Miriam at the beginning of the story when she is not referred to by her name but just as “sister.” Then we meet her at the end of the story after the Israelites have crossed the red sea. She is leading everyone in song, and is called a prophet. We don’t see her journey to that point, the experiences that mold her into a prophet. But we know that missing part of the story – her struggle, her becoming – is the most important and difficult part.
We are all in a similar place in our own stories now: we are developing as educators and as humans. We are challenged, we are growing.
Place your hand on your chest or on your stomach – wherever it feels most comforting.
What you need to move forward from this point is within you. You can handle this. This will pass. Let young people help guide you! Start simple, you are not alone.
I invite you to take another deep breath in through your nose and out through your mouth.
Open your eyes and look around at all the others who are on this journey with you.