Parents and mentors both play a crucial (and often overlapping) role in tweens’ and teens’ lives. For more research see below:
- Rachel G. Baldino, “How Mentoring Teenagers Benefits Both the Teens and Their Mentors”
- Sadric Bonner, Reclaiming Futures: “Youth Mentoring Has Lifelong Benefits—for the Mentor, Too”
- Lisa G. Colarossi, PhD and Jacquelynne S. Eccles, PhD, Social Work Research: “Differential effects of support providers on adolescents’ mental health” (abstract)
- Lisa Damour, New York Times: “What Do Teenagers Want? Potted Plant Parents”
- Lisa Damour, New York Times: “What Should Teenagers’ Summer Plans Include? Adult Mentors”
- Brett Laursen and W. Andrew Collins, Handbook of Family Communication: “Parent-child communication during adolescence”
- Belle Liang, et al, The Journal of Positive Psychology: “The four P’s of purpose among College Bound students: People, propensity, passion, prosocial benefits” (abstract)
- Eva Oberle, Kimberly A. Schonert-Reichl, and Bruno D. Zumbo, Journal of Youth and Adolescence: “Life Satisfaction in Early Adolescence: Personal, Neighborhood, School, Family, and Peer Influences” (abstract)
- Marilyn Price-Mitchell, Psychology Today. “Mentoring Youth Matters”
- Adam A. Rogers, et al, Journal of Adolescent Health: “Quality of Parent–Adolescent Conversations About Sex and Adolescent Sexual Behavior: An Observational Study”
- Peter C. Scales, et al, Journal of Community Psychology: “The contribution to adolescent well-being made by nonfamily adults: An examination of developmental assets as contexts and processes” (abstract)
- Science Daily: “Youth mentoring linked to many positive effects, new study shows”
- “Mentoring: Benefits for Young People”