Archives Events

In Their Words: An Inside Look at Jewish Teen Wellbeing 

Register Now Online Form - BeWell Webinar - Raising Up Teens Featured Speakers Dr. Alana Kinarsky (she/her) is a member of the research team for the national study of American Jewish teen well-being survey by BeWell. She is a social science researcher and evaluator working from Portland, OR, with extensive experience evaluating Jewish youth initiatives, […]

Event Series Educator Info Sessions 2025

Wonders and Challenges: How to Engage Families on Israel and Jewish Identity

Join educators across the country and the Moving Traditions training faculty as we explore a newly designed educational experience for families with B-Mitzvah aged children. This new curricular resource for Moving Traditions educational partners, Israel: Wonders and Challenges, helps parents and preteens talk about their connections to Israel and explore the wonders of Jewish history […]

Kumi DC: Educator Lunch & Learn

Moving Traditions will be offering a lunch-and-learn led by Rabbi Tamara Cohen, Chief of Program and Strategy, and Beckee Birger, Director of DEIJ Initiatives, for educators, clergy, and Jewish community professionals in the DC Metropolitan area. Through this program, we will engage in conversation about what today’s teens need to confront antisemitism and provide a unique curriculum that can be […]

Prizmah Conference

Join Moving Traditions at The Prizmah Conference: the gathering place of the Jewish day school and yeshiva network. Come together with more than 1,000 professionals and lay leaders from over 300 Prizmah Network schools, for three days of high-quality learning and opportunities to build connections and collaborate.

Helping Your Staff and Campers Thrive in 2025

Webinar for the Jewish Day Camp Network As a camp director, are you... We’ll talk through some best practices in building healthy cultures around relationships, mental health, personal boundaries, gender and consent, and discuss the current climate around Jewish identity and antisemitism.

Helping Teens Thrive

Join Rabbi Daniel Brenner on Feb. 11 at 7pm PT as he explores the psychological concept of the “Tasks of Adolescence” and how these tasks shape the way that parents and teens navigate their relationship. Together, we’ll explore Jewish ideas about adolescence and spiritual growth and how those ideas relate to positive psychology. This event will […]

Helping Your Staff and Campers Thrive in 2025

As a camp director, are you... We’ll talk through some best practices in building healthy cultures around relationships, mental health, personal boundaries, gender and consent, and discuss the current climate around Jewish identity and antisemitism.