Telling the story at Passover of the Israelites’ liberation from slavery has inspired generations of Jewish people to work for a better world for Jews and for all people.
This founding narrative is followed by centuries of stories about the survival of the resilient Jewish people.
For Passover, in this time of the coronavirus pandemic, we encourage telling family stories of overcoming adversity.
Research by the Family Narratives Lab at Emory University shows that children who know family stories of triumph over hardship demonstrate higher well-being, with higher self-esteem, academic and social competence, and fewer behavior problems.
Moving Traditions builds the resilience for thousands of Jewish youth each year in our transformative programs—whether they are worrying about COVID-19, confronting the resurgence of antisemitism, or academic and social pressures to be perfect.
Building resilience by sharing meaningful Jewish stories—and applying this wisdom to the everyday lives of pre-teens and teens—is in fact a Moving Traditions specialty.
To facilitate your story-telling, we hope you will enjoy Moving Traditions afikomen seder addition, even if your seder is smaller than usual, delayed, or online rather than in person.
Click here to download and print, fold, and tape or glue together.
This Passover, in this challenging time, we invite you to share your family stories of overcoming adversity using the hashtag #SederStory.