If you want to bring something different to Passover this year, this is the only place where you can find all of the seder supplements Moving Traditions has created over the years.
The supplements are free for you to download and print so that everyone at your seder table can experience the kind of stimulating conversations we foster in our programs.
Never Again? This Passover Share Thoughts on the War in Ukraine
Moving Traditions invites you to use our new 2022 Passover Seder supplement to discuss “Never again” with the Jewish youth at your table.
Yerushah: A Reimagined Passover Haggadah
Yerushah (“inheritance” in Hebrew), is a reimagined Passover Haggadah created by Julia White, a 2021-2022 Meyer-Gottesman Kol Koleinu Teen Feminist Fellow. Download a sneak peek of this upcoming Haggadah.
Acknowledging and Releasing the Burdens: An Old/New Ritual for Breaking the Middle Matzah
Our 2021 seder resource offers you—and others around your table or online—the opportunity to consider the weight of the challenges you have been carrying over the past year, and the burdens shouldered by so many others who have helped us persevere and arrive at another Passover.
This Passover, Share Your Story and Inspire Resilience
Youth who know more family stories—including about overcoming challenges—show higher well-being, with higher self-esteem, academic and social competence, and fewer behavior problems.
Healthy Debate: How This Night Can Be Different
Moving Traditions believes that when we come together face-to-face to honestly explore challenging issues, we bring meaning and joy to our lives. This is the beauty of our programs, from b-mitzvah family education sessions to ground-breaking teen groups. Here’s a way for you to bring the experience to your Seder.
Passover, #MeToo, and a Mirror on Your Seder Plate
Thirty years ago, feminists added Miriam and the midwives to our seders. But this year, to address the #metoo movement and our societal need for deep reckoning around gender, sexuality, and power, it is time to take a step further. I propose that we do so by adding mirrors to our seder plates this year.
We All Make The Seder
“The practice in many families is for one person, often a male head of household, to lead the seder. This year, we are thinking about leadership differently than in past traditions. The story of Passover is filled with shared leadership.” From Moses and Aaron to Shifra and Puah, explore examples of shared leadership in our 2017 seder resource.
Hiding and Finding the Matzah—and Ourselves
“Can you recall a time when you discovered something new about yourself—a hidden talent or trait that sets you apart? Why do we sometimes hide who we are, even from ourselves? What makes us feel safe enough to reveal what we’ve hidden?”
Explore these questions and more in our 2016 seder supplement, focusing on the afikomen.
With Outstretched Arms
Passover makes us think about the women who made the Exodus possible by standing up for freedom and what is right.
Miriam and Elijah: Two Cups for Your Seder
Moving Traditions encourages you to add a Miriam’s cup to your seder table alongside that of Elijah.
Reeds on the Seder Table: A Moving Traditions Passover Exploration
Three Insights from the Tale of a Young Egyptian Woman This Passover, we suggest adding the story of a courageous woman to round out your seder – that of Bat Paro, the daughter of Pharaoh. Adding reeds to the table will recall Bat Paro’s spirit and remind us to stand up for what is right.
We Won’t Get Fooled Again: Helping Teens Identify Pharaoh
A boy is tricked into being part of a game with other boys only to find out that he is the target of mockery and abuse. A girl is happy to be included as a “friend” at a lunch table until she finds it was only a ploy to get back at another girl. A boy is “hit on” as part of a practical joke. A girl is lured into an unwelcomed physical encounter. Being fooled is one of the many challenges that teens face on a daily basis. The challenge is new – and old.