Elul Ideas

Many of you are leading your first Rosh Hodesh: It's a Girl Thing! group this year during the month of Elul. Here are some ideas of what to do with your girls....

Rosh Hodesh Elul was September 4th this year, so many of you may be starting your Rosh Hodesh groups during this Hebrew month. Since Elul usually falls before the school year begins, a gathering plan for this month does not appear in the currently used Rosh Hodesh: It’s a Girl Thing! curriculum.

Therefore, we pulled an Elul gathering plan from the Rosh Hodesh vault for you! You can access it here. This gathering plan focuses on introspection and self awareness. Participants are challenged to identify their passions and priorities and to establish specific and realistic short- and long-term goals.

We recommend primarily using material from the Opening Session from the year you are leading and weaving in some of the content from this Elul gathering plan. To relate the gathering plans to the current day, I recommend the following.

When identifying passions and priorities, challenge participants to reflect on accomplishments from the past year that they’d like to celebrate. You might also consider having a discussion about why it is often difficult for girls to brag. Check out this article about female Olympians for inspiration.

Happy facilitating!