Eliza Moss-Horwitz
Age: 16
Grade: 11th
Program: Rosh Hodesh: It’s a Girl Thing! at Congregation B’nai Israel in Northampton, MA.
Her slogan:
Jewish Women Deserve Equality at the Wall
Eliza makes the case for gender equality at the Wall:
This issue is important to me because I believe in gender equality. All over the world women are being raped, hypersexualized, denied access to education and the right to vote, which has led to the complete marginalization of women. This treatment is based on the absurd notion that women and men should not be equal. The Western Wall is not just for men, we are all connected to Judaism and prayer at this famous landmark. But how can women feel free to connect with their Judaism when they are being treated unlawfully and subjugated? We all deserve an equal chance to pray freely, regardless of gender.