A new Moving Traditions program for counselors-in-training (CITs) will help guide future staff members through eight essential conversations regarding their role in promoting the wellbeing and emotional development of children.
The program gives any supervisor of CITs an easy-to-use curriculum that covers topics including empathic listening, communication, gender codes, peer pressure, setting boundaries, giving feedback, consent, and the role of mentorship. For each session, there are guides to designing conversations around the topic, personal explorations for staff to consider, and multiple ways to explore Jewish values connected to the underlying issues. The program is designed so that even if you have only 45-60 minute time slots with a small group, you can engage them in a meaningful professional development experience that will support their emotional wellbeing and support them in caring for children.
CIT Sessions include:
- Communicating with Kindness
- Managing Responsibilities
- Noticing Yourself and Others
- Setting Boundaries and Engaging in Appropriate Physical Connection
- Managing Up
- Identifying Stressors
- De-Escalating Conflict
How It Works
Moving Traditions will train any staff using or supervising the program with a one-hour orientation, give them online access to the curriculum portal—which allows you to construct your own session and has built in cut and paste functions—and provide your organization with ongoing support as needed. We also ask all partners to speak with us after they have trained their staff and seen the impact so that we both can learn from the experience and refine the curriculum for future users.
Get Started
We invite you to keep reading to learn more about these sessions, or schedule time to talk with your local Regional Director about this program.