Lucy Sattler
Age: 15
Grade: 10th
Program: Rosh Hodesh: It’s a Girl Thing! at Beth Emet The Free Synagogue in Evanston, IL.
Her slogan:
Proud to pray like a girl.
Lucy makes the case for gender equality at the Wall:
It is important to join our Temples in song
But we need to correct something that’s wrong
Although it may be far away
It is where my spirit stays
A place where women don’t have equal power
Where when they pray, they must cower
Filled with fear, anger, and fright
To be arrested, taken out of sight
For only praying as a Jew
Is this what God has taught us to do?
To tell some they are better than others
While we are all still sisters and brothers
Use your voice.
While one is loud,
With a hundred you’ll have a crowd.
Soon there will be thousands more,
change is knocking on our door.
I see a future for us all,
Women standing at the wall
Our tallitot flowing in the breeze
Although to us it’s just overseas
It may be our turn soon
For we all share the same moon.
One moon. One wall. One people.
Hear her full statement in this video: